
uhh, i am unsure if what i'm feeling is allergies, or the start of a cold... hoping it's allergies but guessing it's a cold.

I have cold right now and it sucks... :(
I am scared! Lol RT @broox: I am really excited to run around on ice tomorrow. Definitely been missing some physical activity.

lancebenz posted

haha, you'll be fine.

broox posted

what time is our game tonight?

lancebenz posted

@lancebenz we play at 7:00 tonight. maybe get there around 6:30? /cc @djdiverse

broox posted

do I need shinguards and my breezers or what do you wear for broom ball?

lancebenz posted

you'll want knee pads, shin guards, hockey gloves, helmet, hockey pants/sweat pants, and maybe some elbow pads

broox posted

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