Saint Louis

I've got 51 things tagged #SaintLouis

48 photos

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3 blog entries

Xtreme Nation Demos

So, I just got back from Saint Louis with Aaron, Zach, and Jordan... It was so much fun. Friday, I got on the tiny plane for my hour long flight to STL, haha. The plane was small enough to where we had to board from the tarmac, hehe. We stayed in Chesterfield, which is a lame lame town. There is nothing to do at night... at all. We ended up walking around the town, swimming, and by the … Read more

Kraus and Saint Louis

Wow, what a weird day. It looks like Kraus (aka krausburger aka santa kraus) is leaving Pioneer to join the family business. The punk already bought a house down there on the water with a jetski lift... wtf? That'll be friggin awesome. In other sweet news, Soap is flying me to Saint Louis in a couple weeks to do a couple demos and hang out with Aaron and Jordan... hopefully Zach can come … Read more