The Ultimate Drive (round 2)

So back in 05, Nehru brought me along to the BMW/Susan G. Komen Ultimate Drive, which is a pretty amazing event. You show up and drive decked out BMWs on a ~15 mile route around the city... and they do their best to give you a fun route with varying speeds.

It's a yearly event that travels around the country (so check the website to see when it's in your town) and it's completely free. You just sign up, drive fancy cars, and BMW donates $1 for every mile you drive. It's great.

So this year I was able to go again, which rules because I've been wanting to get into that 135 sooo freaking bad. and that, I did.

First I drove the 135 convertible, then I hopped in the 650 convertible.

The difference was quite interesting. Back in 05 I was amazed by the performance of the 645 convertible, those 6 series cars are definitely fast, luxurious, and fun to drive, but after driving that 135... the 650 was a dog. The 135 is hands down one of the funnest cars I've driven. Twin Turbo V6 in a car that small, whaaat? If I only had 40 grand to drop on it.... Maybe next year (which I've been saying about new cars since I got married).

So for the record, when I got in the 650 I was behind a dude in a 335 and another dude in a 135. We got on a stretch where we could all bury the pedals - the 135 was pulling on the 335, and the 335 was pulling on me in the 650.

It's crazy how easy it is to push those cars well past 100... not that I'd do that on public roads... just saying, it seems easy to do.

It was an absolute blast. I was on a high all afternoon, like I'd just gotten off a rollercoster. ...Then I got back into my big dumb truck and about rearended someone because I forgot I was in a giant F-150 with brakes made by Ford. Stupid Americans.
...I mean, happy Independence Day weekend!

written by 26 year old Derek Brooks

Nice post, its a really cool blog that you have here, keep up the good work, will be back.