A week with Android and the G1

Here are my thoughts on the device after a week of use.
Android - the Google OS
I am really, really digging the OS, its openness, and its tie to all of my Google account data, but it still feels a bit beta. I also feel like maybe too much stuff is going on in the background; it can run a bit slow at times (but that may be mostly my fault, ha).
I love the connectivity and constant updates from Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader and various email accounts. I love the realtime data.
The browser absolutely rules. Being able to have multiple windows/tabs is awesome.
I don't use my cell phone for actual phone calls often, but I feel like making a phone call on Android is too hard. It takes at least 2 more steps than any other phone I've used. I mean, it's a phone; it's supposed to make calls. That should be the simplest feature.

I think the G1 is clunky and cheap looking. The giant base is hard to type around, but I'm getting used to it. I do love having the option to type with either an onscreen keyboard or the physical keyboard... but I'm really looking forward to using this OS on a better handset.
The camera is also kinda wack. I wish it had a flash.
The Battery
WTF! Do I honestly have to charge my phone both at night and while at work? I mean it's not really a hassle to have my phone plugged in during those times - but it's definitely not normal. There are all sorts of blogs and articles about "how to improve your g1 battery life" - and what is their advice? Turn everything off. Yep - to make the G1 last all day, you need to turn off half of the cool features you bought the phone for. Turn off 3G, wifi, GPS, bluetooth, autosyncing, and while you're at it make your screen really dim - then your phone will last all day without a problem! wtf, bummerville? And I also have to keep a knife around just to get the freakin USB door open... but that's not that big of a deal I guess - I've already started working on my coke nail for when I need to whip that thing open and charge my phone in a bind. ;)
The battery power, or lack thereof, is really my biggest beef with this phone.
I love all the apps that can completely tie into the OS and its data. Apps can override the default SMS app, use GPS, use the browser, add data to the address book, toggle phone settings, etc. The openness rules so much.

- Google Maps (with Latitude) is pretty solid, but I wish latitude used the GPS to update my location a bit better. or i wish there were options to have it only use GPS and maybe be able to set an update interval. I could go on and on about this because I'm a mapping and location freak. Basically latitude is so close to satisfying what I want... but not quite there. And why did Latitude work better on my Blackberry than it does on my Google device? haha.
- BrightKite - it's still in beta, slow, and has crashed on me a couple times... but this is definitely filling my Latitude void and becoming the way I track my daily travels. It's also mostly how I am now setting my status for twitter, facebook, and everything else. I'm already playing with the API - it's awesome.
- Connectbot - a really nice SSH client
- Greed - an awesome RSS reader that ties into your Google Reader account.
- Shazam - a crazy app that listens to nearby songs and tells you what they are.
- Tunes Remote - a super flaky iTunes remote, but when it works - it's awesome.
- Twidroid - amazing twitter client. I'm finally back to semi-realtime updates from my friends.
And here are some nice utility apps, I've been using.
- Facebook Sync - updates your contact photos with their profile pics from facebook.
- SMS Popup - you know how the iphone pops up incoming texts in a little window? This does that.
- Rings Extended - lets you select any audio you want for a ringtone.
- Toggle Settings - nice quick way to turn on/off battery saving features. Sort of a must-have on this phone.
Other apps that look awesome that I haven't really used.
Last.fm, Shop Savvy, Oregon trail, Fbook, Sky Map, Open Home, and Bettercut
So yeah. Overall I'm really happy with the device. I'm excited to see Android progress and crawl into some better shells. Thanks a ton to my buddy Harper and a couple of the Google Open Source guys - Daniel Bentley and Chris DiBona for hooking me up.
Now, I just need to think of an app to write for it... Perhaps something with mapping or the GPS? ;)