I write, occasionally

Here's a collection of 650 pieces of nonsense that I've written over the past 23.69 years.

  • January Reset. No Gluten. No Alcohol.

    I've been dealing with some minor, intermittent skin issues for years. It's been treatable, but last year the eczema came hard, spread further and was a little gnarlier... so I started seeing a dermatologist and allergist. They tested for chemical allergies, environmental allergies, had me change everything that I put on my skin or clothes and none of it helped. I suspected a food allergy or something, but the allergist disagreed, and wanted me to come in weekly to get shots. Yeah right.

    Despite everything else they suggested, things got worse toward the end of the year... peak gluttony season.

    In December, we did an "advent calendar of beer" from Confluence, so I was having at least half of a craft beer every day for nearly a month - ā€¦

  • My blog: 2001 - Today

    This site is almost 24 years old now. TWENTY FOUR.

    When I think about myself at 24... man. What an ignorant, overconfident punk, this site must be.

    So, this all started as a work study project in college - a monolithic PHP+MySQL app that evolved into a multi-service, server side rendered javascript front end that hits a REST API (with an integration layer, various caching strategies, standalone CMS, etc)... but it's maintained a similar theme, and I've been very intentional about collecting and keeping as much data as possible the entire time.


    Why not just use social media, medium, substack, or whatever else?

    1. It's fun
    2. I own the data and I control the experience
    3. If you don't build your personal brand, someone else may build it for you
  • Goodbye, 2024

    You know those Christmas cards that folks send that include a little 1-pager about what they've been up to for the year? I really like those... So, here's my 1-pager for 2024.


    I stuck around North America again this year, visiting...

    ... but Iā€™m ā€¦

  • Media Detox

    My biography on social media for the past 20 years has been: Builder. Fixer. Thinker. Rocker.

    I thrive in creative environments and have a real need to be designing, producing and moving to stay happy. My therapist recently pointed out that my self-esteem is directly tied to my productivity, which was something that I needed to hear.

    Over the past few years, I found myself laying in bed before I fell asleep or after I woke up, just scrolling - trying to find a few, unearned dopamine hitsā€¦ and I'd zone out several times a day to do the same.

    I tried setting 15 minute app limits for all of the social media apps on my phone, but kept ignoring the warnings. Every time that I saw someone else scrolling, Iā€™d judge them and then recognize that ā€¦

  • How is Trump Still a Viable Contender?

    Seriously, how did we get here?

    I have such a hard time comprehending how anyone, in good faith, can endorse Donald Trump to be the President of the United States.

    Especially after not being endorsed by many of the highest ranking people of his own party, who he hiredā€¦ his Vice President, his National Security Advisor, his Director of National Intelligence, his Secretary of Defense, his highest ranking military officer, his White House Chief of Staff, and the list goes on, and on.

    These Republicans, and so many other people whoā€™ve worked with him know that heā€™s wildly unethical, a threat to our nationā€™s security, and to our democracy. How can anyone believe otherwise?

    • He's the most compulsive of liars.
    • He stole and illegally hoarded ā€¦
  • Golf Is Hard, Breathing Is Harder

    A couple weeks ago, I was playing the red course at Willow Creek's Men's Club with some great dudes.

    I wasn't playing well, as I'm in a bit of a slump, but I got my first par of the round on hole 4 - a 180yd downhill par 3. So, we walked up to the next hole - an uphill, dogleg left, par 5. I had honors, so I grabbed my driver, teed my ball up and took a couple practice swings. My buddy, Judson stopped me and said that the group ahead was within my reach... because when my driver's on, it's on. So I stepped back, noticed a bunch of tees laying around the box and said, "I guess Iā€™ll just do a little house cleaningā€ and started picking up tees. Judson responded, ā€œyou could also just stand here and breathe.ā€

    And that statement was the ā€¦

  • 80/35 at Waterworks Park

    This was my 10th 80/35 music fest, and the first year that it didn't take place in downtown Des Moines. The venue change received a ton of pushback from locals and leadership stepped down... but the Des Moines Music Coalition and volunteers did what they could to make the fest happen.

    I just wanted to share my experienceā€¦

    To start off, I only knew 3 artists on the lineup, but one of my favorite things about this festival is discovering someone new. 80/35 has always impressed me by curating interesting, fun low-to-mid level artists that I never would have experienced otherwise.

    On Friday, we biked down to Waterworks Park and entered via the tunnel from Grays Lake. The first annoyance was that there wasn't an easy way to get to bike valet ā€¦

  • 2023 was expensive, but fun

    2023 was a strange year. It felt gluttonous and hard to catch up, but it was always gonna be tough to follow the year of free boi summer.

    We had lots of good stateside travel, a couple annoying financial issues, and I accidentally bought a Bronco.

    We hosted fewer events and I made a conscious decision to only hang with folks who also invite us to things. This turned into spending time with new sets of great people but also seeing old buddies less than I'd hoped.


    We didn't get to leave the country, but did take lots of road trips and I got to see 20 states.

  • The strongest woman I know

    10 years ago, Kari and I were visiting Chicago during one of her fall breaks. I was there to work with my startup cofounders and she was there to hang out, shop, and enjoy our favorite city.

    We got in late, ordered pizza from one of our favorite spots, and then crashed at an Air BnB. The next morning, Kari woke up unable to control the entire left side of her body. Being young, naive, and frankly stupid, we (I) thought that maybe she slept weird. Maybe she had a pinched nerve or something. I suggested that she try some stretches or yoga to see if she could work it out while I showered to get ready for work. She agreed, but the stretches werenā€™t helping, so we decided to go to the nearest walk-in clinic.

    Preparing for how slow and ā€¦

  • Overlanding the 7-Hour Plane Crash Trail

    The upper midwest is effectively devoid of off-roading and overlanding opportunities. Most people in the scene are settling for camping in parks, getting invites to a handful of events on private land, or making long hauls to get our fix outside of the midwest.

    We'd been planning a fall overlanding escape to the Ozark National Forest with our cousins, who have a very similar setup as ours (Ford Broncos and off-road teardrops). We scouted out some campsites that we could drop our campers at while we wheeled through the forest. Ideally, we'd pull the teardrops through the trails, but some of the water crossings can get pretty high, and no one wants a wet mattress...

    The week before we were set to leave, the forecast predicted temps in the ā€¦

  • 2-Door Bronco Rear Seat Delete + Raptor Lined Cargo Platform

    The rear bench seat of my Jeep spent most of it's life in a Christmas tree storage bag... and I had a similar plan once I traded my Jeep in for a Bronco. But I was pretty bummed to learn that it was a lot more work to add/remove the rear Bronco seats (bolts, sensors, and tools? wtf!)... so, I just went scorched earth and ripped everything out, along with the seatbelts.

    With the rear seats out of the bronco, the floor is pretty ugly, with random bolts, holes, and cuts in the floor liner. It was gonna be pretty annoying to use as a "truck bed" this way, so I did what many others have done, and started researching/designing a flat "bed."

    Goose Gear's system looks nice but is frankly overpriced. I didn't need the modularity that they offered, ā€¦

  • From a Jeep to a Bronco

    As soon as Ford announced that they were re-releasing the Bronco, I knew that I wanted one. However, Iā€™d just bought a Jeep that I really enjoyed, so I decided to wait a bit. This would allow the aftermarket to catch up and Ford to shake out any issues within the first couple years of launching. 2024 felt like the model year to go after. The vehicle should be relatively stable, the aftermarket wouldā€™ve had a few years to catch up and with any luck, they may launch their anticipated hybrid model along with some other mid-cycle refreshes.

    If youā€™ve been following the rollout of the new Bronco, you know that it's been a shit show. Launching a vehicle during a pandemic and then dealing with the post-pandemic supply chain left folks ā€¦

  • How I do home automation

    After 20 years of tinkering with home automation, I thought it'd be fun to blog about how I've come to approach things.

    First, the background

    My entry into home automation was tinkering with old school, X10 powerline/RF lamp and outlet modules that were paired with remotes, motion sensors, and a "smart" module that you could program via a PC to begin adding automation.

    Since then, I've played with tons of brands and ecosystems, but I've primarily used Zigbee, Zwave, wifi/mesh, and PoE devices.

    I've gone pretty deep with Hue, Lutron, Arlo, Ring, Nest, NuHeat, Sonos, Amazon, Google, Apple, Liftmaster, Bond, and other random generic smart devices.

    To tie the ecosystems together, I've mostly used SmartThings and HomeAssistant, but ā€¦

  • Twenty Twenty Two

    I almost didn't write a year-end blog because I kinda captured the year already, but ... 5 weeks late, I just wanna say that 2022 was one of the best years that I've had in a while.

    Most things have already been shared on my yearly stats page and blogs:

    Oh, and we got a dog.

    But, I ultimately focused on myself and leisure and felt more alive than I have in a long time.

    I realize that I'm incredibly fortunate to have had those opportunities, but I'm now back to work, where I'm learning a ton and that's exciting.

    I've started getting out to my coworking space more often and have def missed that change of scenery.

    I'm spending less energy on internet friendships and relationships that ā€¦

  • The End of Free Boi Summer

    Retired folks often say that they somehow become busier after they stop working. This year I got a taste of what that meant.

    In April, I quit my job to take a break, reset, and enjoy a summer off with my educator wife. Those planned few months turned into 6+ months of "pretirement" and it was incredible.

    I wasn't necessarily busier in pretirement, but I was definitely more active and more productive with my own wants. I got to wake up nearly every day and just wing it. I loved it.


    I generally felt way better than I did during my typical desk job life. I easily closed my nerd watch rings daily, maintained a healthier weight and my general mood, outlook, and overall mental health was immensely better.

    I unexpectedly found golf ā€¦

  • My First Hole-in-One

    I grew up playing golf, but fell out of the game for school, work and other priorities. I'd been wanting to get back into it, but kept procrastinating. So, when my friend Ben asked me to join him for 9 holes to celebrate his 40th birthday at Glen Oaks, I thoughtā€¦ here's my chance.

    At first, I was a bit apprehensive to have my first round in 8 years be at a fancy country club. I didn't even have clothes to pass dress code, but I figured this would be a great way to dive in head first and get back out there. So, I quickly went shopping and got a few practice swings in at the driving range.

    On Ben's birthday, I showed up to find him sipping on a Miami Vice cocktail with his buddy and business partner, Ben Sinclair. This immediately set the ā€¦

  • Joining and Leaving PayPal

    I recently decided to leave PayPal so that I could take a few months off and recharge.

    Here's how I got to where I'm at...

    2013-2015: Building Modest

    Building a startup is quite an experience. In our situation, it was even more strange because we had a team of 4 with a nice chunk of funding before we even knew what to build. So, we spent ~6 months flipping back and forth between ideating and contracting while we figured things out.

    Once we got the idea to build a contextual, mobile-focused commerce platform, we moved fast. In a couple years, we grew the team from 4 to a little over twenty and had some solid initial clients. We built a full-fledged commerce API, a couple web apps, JS SDKs, mobile SDKs, white label mobile apps, ā€¦

  • Associate Principal KBROOX

    A couple weeks ago, Kari applied to be an Associate Principal / Dean for the largest school district in our state.

    She applied on the down-low, ignored most people's advice and went to her in-person interview rocking adidas wedges and kbroox fashion. She ignored dropping obvious industry buzz words and talking points, and responded as herself, with her values.

    This would be her first time stepping out of special education to represent the larger student population... and she apparently nailed the interview. She went in as the full kbroox and got the exact placement that she was hoping for.

    Before she was even offered the position, I was proud as shit at the way she presented herself, but I'm even more proud now.


  • 2021 - The Big Disappointment

    2021 was the year that was supposed to be normal again.

    I really thought that we would get together and beat this pandemic, but nope. 2021 was somehow worse than 2020, at least for me.

    The disappointment was real.

    The depression was real.

    The loneliness was real.


    I was born and raised in the middle of nowhere and have always been sort of a lone-wolf nerd with close friends that were few and far between.

    In elementary school, one of my best buddies died in an accident. I found another best friend in junior high, a couple more in high school, some in college, and a few more after... but with the past couple years of this pandemic coming after several years of working remotely, having most of my best friends living across the country, ā€¦

  • The alligator in the woods

    A few weeks ago, Josh, Jeff, and I went camping at Lake Okoboji. We booked a campsite in a completely unreserved loop in the back of a state park and had the entire area to ourselves... which is always a good idea when our group gets together.

    The trip was great. Bullshitting. Disc golf. Swimming. Driving the topless Jeep around the lake. Night hikes. Cooking over fires. Beer. Hanging just like old times.

    But this story is about Saturday night.

    The skies were clear and there was a full moon. So naturally, every time one of us caught a glimpse of the moon weā€™d belt out a big ol wolf howlā€¦ and as you can imagine, the other two would follow suit like normal ~40 year olds. It was good that we were in that loop all by ourselves.

    So, we ā€¦