At home for a bit...

If you didn't already know, I'm at home for the month in order to do an internship. Since I'm not at school, and since my parents only have a modem and 1 phone line, you won't see me on the internet too much. However, I did just buy a new computer yesterday, BOMB! and I'll be doing a lot of filming for the DVD I'm making for So I'll be really busy. If you are planning on sending me media over the internet anytime soon... I'll be on a high speed line to get it from you this weekend (9/6 - 9/8). So try to catch me online sometime around then, and we'll get it taken care of, otherwise you'll have to send it through the real mail, or wait until the very end of the month to send it to me. Anyway, here is the lowdown on my computer...

VPR Matrix
P4 2.27 GHz
533 MHz bus
512 MB RAM
80 GB HD
GeForce2 graphics
16x48 DVD-ROM
40x12x40 CD-RW
6-USB 2.0 Ports
2-IEEE 1394 Ports

written by 21 year old Derek Brooks