A Sick 4th of July

I have another freaking head cold. I hate being sick - especially on holidays... so stupid. However, despite my sickness, a lot of things happened this weekend anyway.

Friday, Kari and I went out to "Yankee Doodle Pops" so that I could attempt to take photos of fireworks. Being that this event happens on the Capitol lawn - parking is limited, so we followed suit with everyone else and parked on the grass between the street and sidewalk. About 10 minutes later, 4 proud state troopers walked across the lawn straight to the cars and began ticketing a row of about 40 vechicles, haha. It was pretty hilarious, so instead of moving our car like most, I just took photos and paid $14 for a good parking spot. Thanks for serving and protecting on this fine holiday, officers.

Besides photos of cops being awesome, I got a few nice shots of the fireworks. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday, Kari and I went over to Rico's for some dinner and hot tubbing, which was really nice. That hot tub felt so awesome on my stupid sick head. After Rico's, I drove Kari over to some "girls night" at Tia and Stacy's and had to hang out the whole time. I about died.

And Sunday I slept way in, then we met up with some friends to see the Jordan Creek fireworks, which I tried to photograph again, but didn't have as good of luck. The fireworks kind of sucked, the atmosphere was even worse. That is when I started to get really sick. I slept 15+ hours that night, called in sick on Monday, and generally hated life.

Later Monday, I decided I would pretend to make myself better and went to Kari's family reunion in Newton. I sat outside in 85 degree weather with a jacket and stocking cap and was still freezing, haha. I really should have stayed in bed.

Tuesday (the 4th) was a lot of fun. Lindsey came up and we met a few friends down at the icubs game to tailgate, watch baseball, and finally see fireworks. Tailgating there was pretty rad - I definitely want to do it again. We grilled, hung out, found random marijuana growing in the parking lot, etc.

The game was also really good; we won, big time. And the fireworks afterwards were pretty amazing - they do a really good job there.

I am still fairly sick - but I'm at work anyway. Awesome.
More pics...

written by 24 year old Derek Brooks