Apartment, The Lift, iPods, Datebook

What a weekend; we got so much done. Kari is finally out of her apartment, which rules. No more throwing $600 a month into nothing... well, not into an apartment anyway. Now we get to throw it into paying off debt - Weeeeee.

Also, last night Kevi and I went to the Lift for our first iPod Monday. It rules. You bring in your ipod, they have a theme, you make a 15-20 minute playlist based on said theme, and they play your stuff. It's really low key but pretty fun. If I had a laptop to chill with it would be much more productive though. And if I was able to drink more than 1 martini and still drive... stupid lightweight. Kevi and I got our pictures taken cause we're new... and because I had an ipod shirt on. I also met Joe Lawler who writes the Bar Bios in Datebook. I wonder if he is competition? I hope not, he could probably write some good reviews on our site. Anyway, yall should check out iPod Mondays.

written by 23 year old Derek Brooks

Definitely fun... and if you're into it, Apple martinis are only $3 (for obvious reasons). A+++!!1 Would go to iPod Monday again.


oh yeah, i forgot to add that the bartender, clint, called me by 5 different names. when i handed him my ipod he asked what my name was, i told him 'derek.' then, when my ipod first went on, he's all like, "ok everybody this is ... is it george?"



"nope, it's jeremy"

"alright everybody this is jeremy's playlist!"

then when i went to get the tab (right before my set was done) i told him the card was under derek again. he gave me the card, the list got over and he yelled, "that was matthew's playlist everybody! woooooo!"

haha. either he was confused, drunk, or messing with me. i haven't decided which.
I think iPod Mondays could be one of the greatest ideas. I am thoroughly excited about it.


clint was totally messing with you. his way of making friends is to be a complete asshole, or so i have been told. don't tell anyone else, it spoils the game.
