Bad words

WTF are bad words? haha - yeah I said that. But seriously, what is swearing? Why is swearing wrong? I've been thinking about this for a long long time. How can a certain word be bad? Who says it's bad? Seriously, it is just a word.

I first started thinking about this in high school. Someone (maybe it was me - I don't remember) said one of those words that isn't quite a swear word, but it's not quite a good word either - like "piss" or something. So I made an argument saying that the word wasn't even a swear word... *ding* I immediately thought to myself, "wait... what is a swear word anyway?" During that ding someone next to me acknowledged my swear word comment by saying, "well yeah but you still shouldn't say that" "Why?," I asked. "Because you just shouldn't." Hmmm. Where is this list of magical bad words? Actually I know exactly where this list is - it's in everyone's head. Everyone knows what the "bad" words are, but why?

Why is "Sh*t" worse than "Crap"? Why did I just censor the word "Sh*t"? Because Sh*t is vulgar? If I put the "i" there is it more vulgar? Or does the * make it safer to read? If I type Sh*t without an "i" you know exactly what I mean, you probably even pronounce the swear word in your mind, but you accept it more. In fact, I probably just made you say a swear word in your mind 5 times.

The only argument I could come up was that it might have all started with religion - mainly Christianity. Good Christians don't swear right? Is that in the Bible? That would make sense but I haven't seen the verse. The only real swearing or "cursing" mentioned in the Bible that I've seen are through literal curses, hurtful words, or blasphemy.

So, even if you are a Christian - as long as you don't curse someone, use blasphemy, or hurtful words... what is the problem?

Which is worse here?
"You f*ckin rule!"
Or "You are the most worthless person I have ever met."

To me, I'd much rather hear the one with the swear word. Not because it has swear words, but because any set of normal words can be 10 times more hurtful than a naughty word could ever be.

More on that example - there are arguments all over the place talking about the "F word." I've listened to several of these and seriously, it is one of the most versatile words you could ever use. It really is the ultimate word. If we're going to come up with a list of bad words, we should put things like "essentially" and "automagically" on there. Those are terrible words. The "F word" however should be at the top of the "best words" list.

Don't get me wrong, I think there are certain words that should definitely be on the "bad words" list because they are actually derogatory or hurtful. Things related to racism or things like "retarded" would be here. I mean... I still like the word retarded and will probably continue to use it - but not in the literal sense... unless it's hilarious, haha. And as for words related to racism, I'd like to see some of these go away. The "N word" for example (minus the e.r. of course - those are bad letters) is beginning to mean brother/buddy more and more. ...But I don't think the world is ready for that yet.

A friend of mine recently got written up at work (not at my work) for using a naughty word. It ended up panning out in his favor, but still. He got written up because the "F word" he used offended another employee. If your American Flag offends me, should you get written up? No, you shouldn't, but you also shouldn't get written up for a word you use that I happen to not like.

It seems to me that "cuss words" get wayyyy too much attention. They can be a very useful part of the english language. They can express so much: excitement, anger, everything. Plus sometimes they are just fun and hilarious.

And why is it that people are so much more ok with watching rated R movies than they are about listening to songs with swear words in them? Haha, that has always been hilarious to me. You can listen to and watch 2 hours of profanity and be fine with it but are offended by a 3 minute song containing them? Why am I more comfortable watching a rated R movie with someone than listening to an old school Eminem song with them?

I better stop here. I've got so much to say on this subject. Years and years of thoughts... I could write pages. But what are your thoughts? I haven't really talked about this with too many people, but I know it's something everyone has an opinion on. I'm just curious as to where yall stand.

written by 24 year old Derek Brooks

i love bad words too, but i can see some of the opposite views on it also...i think sometimes constantly using swear words makes you come off as unintelligent, especially in arguments...if all you can come back with is "yeah, well fuck you", then you look pretty dumb...also, i think some people use swear words just for the "shock" factor, to get a reaction out of someone that they know won't like it...swear words are just regular words that have been given power by society, and if we all just used them more, that power would be gone, so i say tomorrow the only words we can use are "naughty" words...who's with me?


yeah, word. that is what i'm saying. but swear words have nothing to do with unintelligence. that's just the person. if they didn't know that swear word, they could just as easily sound just as dumb without using it in their response.
Well, you always censor your own fucking site, you piece of crap, shit-headed, cock licking, pussy smelling, monkey spunking, loser!


I agree.. completely.

Fuck censors.


Ahhhh! No stars!!!

But, ya, what I said earlier...

Like, why do people rush in droves to watch Saw, or go buy Silent Hill for their playstation, but are appalled by listening to Q-Strange in my car?


i agree that using swear words has nothing to do with intelligence, but an otherwise extremely intelligent individual can come off as dumb if they only resort to swear words to get their points across...i mean, thats my fucking opinion anyway


in an article about swear words not meaning anything, you edited our swear words? oh, the irony


That is part of my point, assface.


Whatever... you guys are all johpbags.


en.wikipedia.or.../wiki/Profanity - best thing from the article? The word for 'cunt' in Spain isn't profane. Cultural relativity rocks. Kind of like how the Japanese don't have swear words, or so I've heard.

Swearing is bad because it's a cultural issue. Religious swearing isn't as bad now, but we're stuck with words for sex and defecating. Well, and genitals. What are the few things you can't do in public and/or are seen as shameful? Oh yeah, sex and pooping!

What's that saying? Profanity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.


I think I meant 'cunt'. Test?


It's funny that different people think different things are profane -- your php script thinks that motherfucker is ok to say, but not motherfucker.

young web dudeposted


young web dudeposted

Well swear words are funny especially when nerds play Online games and they lose from one kill. Then they say "F*cking Noob F*ck you"


Derek, good points. The bible says that we should

"Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips (Pr. 4:24)."

It also says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Eph. 4:31)."

Have you ever thought that even though those words are bad or good it could still offened other people. "He who guards his lips guards his soul, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin (Pr. 13:3)."

"A fool's talk brings a rod to his back, but the lips of the wise protect them (Pr.14:3)."

"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity (Pr. 21:23)."

"But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken (Mt. 12:36)."

"Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech (1 Pet. 3:10)."

Thats alittle of what I got.



this is exactly what i was referring too when i said, "The only real swearing or "cursing" mentioned in the Bible that I've seen are through literal curses, hurtful words, or blasphemy."

that still doesn't tell me why a certain set of words are bad.
I am a Christan so I don't swear. Well when I am mad I do a little. But I shouldn't


I like comics when they use symbols as swear words:

!*$^&#@ A dude!


I’ve thought about the same thing. Here’s my conclusion:

Society, not the Bible, determines which words are profane or offensive. As Christians, why shouldn't we say them? Not because it's a "bad word," but because its one of those things that gives people an excuse to look down on Christians. It's easier to say all Christians are hypocrites (when really, everyone is/has been) when their language is less than socially acceptable. Is that fair? Well, probably not. But here is a little of what the Bible has to say, not about four-letter words, but about language and behavior that make it easier for Joe Shmoe to hear me cuss and point at me and say I'm a hypocrite or all Christians are hypocrites. Now, Joe Shmoe loses desire/respect for Christianity.

Titus 2:7-8 Show yourself in all respects a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, gravity, and sound speech that cannot be censured; then any opponent will be put to shame, having nothing evil to say of us.


think about it.if we let ourselves just give in and say swear words than how are we going to be able to guard against other things?like hitting your the heat of the monet you may just let yourself go.

Guard the first small things that come against you so you are better equipped to guard the bigger things


What is fowl language? Fowl language is something that is said that is not acceptable by society’s standards. Fowl language is something that should never be taught to children at a young age, why may you ask? The answer is simple once a child is around that the child picks up on the habit and then uses it in a daily life basis. In the Bible, God has made a commandment that, Thou shall not use

God’s name in vain. Fowl language is a habit once you use a word that is not acceptable. The habit gets bigger and bigger and then you have to try and break it. Like biting your nails, once you bite your nails you continue and it’s a habit that is hard to quit.

What influences you to continue using fowl language? The answer is simple, friends, family, and music. Whoever you are around that uses fowl language is encouraging you that fowl language is okay to be used in every day life. Is it okay to use it? No! Because others pick up the habit when you should quit the habit. Using fowl language indicates that you have a poor command of the English language and are unable to express yourself. If you are familiar with the English language you can say or describe any incident without using fowl language.

What is the whole point of fowl language? There isn’t a point why people use it. People use it because they have nothing better to say, so they try and act cool by using words that are the dumbest things people could think of to say. Fowl language was used from the beginning of time, but why? Because people think that they are a failer in life, so they might as well show it and speak it. No! they shouldn’t because think of what they are teaching other generations that come in contact with that person or persons.


Cussing is awesome!


ok, thanks for reexplaining the reason i wrote this article. you are telling me that naughty words are naughty... but haven't explained why.

"Whoever you are around that uses fowl language is encouraging you that fowl language is okay to be used in every day life. Is it okay to use it? No!"

you haven't told me why you encourage me not to use fowl language. once again, the question is: why is fowl language fowl? where is it defined?

your philosophy of "using fowl language because you are not smart enough to use otherwise" or "because you think it sounds cool" is so played out. you're just reiterating what you've heard a million other times.

people who use big words have a pretty good grasp on the english language as you point out. however, also like you point out, why use certain words when other words will do? could they slim down their vocab and still say everything they mean? of course, but they don't because big words are more intelligent? please. maybe we should make words longer than 10 characters into swear words (then the cool kids will want to become smarter!)

do you think someone is more respectable just because they use words you cannot understand? no, they are trying to sound cool.

but once again, you still have not answered why bad words are bad. you are just playing into the entire, "bad words are naughty! very naughty! so don't use them!" role.

"Fowl language was used from the beginning of time." The beginning of time, eh. so God himself introduced this fowl language?

what is the definition of the 4 letter words used??? there is none..I am a christian woman and yes we were always taught that fowl language was dirty and should not be used..especially a's really not becoming....b4 I became born again I would curse in a heartbeat for lack of a more decent word and I was very comfortable w/'s more internal now than anything and to me it's not pleasing for God to hear me speak in a way that he didn't...God Bless..


Go fuck a donkey! Ha Ha!

like who posts gay ass notes on a websyte no one goes on. Like common people it's called a LIFE! Get oneee!


