Character Flaws

This is going to be so "college" and "lame" and "sappy" and "retarded" of me. So I apologize up front.

I've been meaning to write about this since the first time I saw SLC Punk, which was some time in college. In the movie, there's a quote by the main character, Steve-O (Matthew Lillard), that was interesting to me. Actually there were several quotes that sparked some thought - which is weird for such a "B movie," but this one in particular really got me.

Steve-O and Bob are visiting their friend Mark, who's talking about all his sweet/expensive stuff - laserdiscs, shower head, remote control, waveless waterbed, etc. He's doing so in an almost "bragging" manner - even though he's not meaning to brag at all. To which, Steve-O narrates, "It was a character flaw, sure, but we ALL have those. That part didn't concern me."

It's a simple statement, but after much pondering, it sounded pretty nice. So I tried to live that way and became way more tolerant of people/things. It's somewhat weird, but yeah, a quote from a movie changed my attitude. I know I do things that are stupid/annoying, everyone does. And when you do them, I will probably diss you. I will give you crap, make fun of you. Hell, I might even punch you. However, I still accept it. And if it's coming from a friend, you should joke about it. In the end, your friends will accept anything you do that sucks, haha. I think that's important on all accounts.

Ya know... be a friend, love your brother, don't burn bridges, be honest, etc. Hopefully that wasn't all "psych" and "lecturely". It wasn't meant to be... those are just some thoughts of mine and how I try to be. And yeah, it was inspired by SLC Punk, haha. It was also slightly inspired by Kari and her friends... even though Kari's not really too good at this.

So I guess my point is that you should accept people's "flaws" or whatever and maybe even use them for fun. I really think that these things are excellent joke material.

I am lame - and listening to horrocore while I write this, haha. wtf.

written by 25 year old Derek Brooks

Personally, my life was changed by watching Hackers. Matthew Lillard movies are really philosophical.

(Oh yeah, and we need a Hackers / SLC Punk double feature movie night)

I should also mention there are flaws that you shouldn't overlook, especially if you're going to do something like get engaged to someone. Like if they're bitchy 99% of the time.


i hate it when gfs are bitchy. just so long as they're not janky. (p.s. 'janky' is not a filter thing, kari really got called that)
We all love Chuck. And everyone who knows him knows exactly what I'm talking about.
