Cornell Homecoming 2004

This weekend was homecoming at Cornell, which resulted in a ton of fun. BUT for some reason I didn't take any pictures, wtf. I'm really mad about this.

Friday, Kari had some Theta thing, so I hung out with Mira a lot. I even let Mira drive my car... lots of peeling out and crazy driving was done. She set off this dude's car alarm with my exhaust, haha, AWESOME.

Later I got to hang out with Kevi, Kari, and many many other people. I basically just ran around all night - typical Mt Vernon behavior for me. Getting people all riled up, making new friends, starting fights, talking to old friends, etc. I love Mt Vernon.

Saturday I hung out with Kevi most of the day. We're working on a rap for his new CD, it's pretty good so far... ya know... for 2 white guys that don't rap, haha. At night, I met Kari and friends at the U.S. Cellular Center for the official homecoming festivities. It was fun to hang out with everyone at the hotel. Allie and I started this insane "balance beam routine" competition. She was tough competition, but I totally won. I really really wish we would have gotten pictures or video.

Other than that I danced a LOT. I also got in 2 fights at this bar near the dance, wtf. I was the only guy with 6 girls - so every time some gross guy would hit on one of them they'd claim I was their boyfriend. Eventually I think they caught on, haha. This one guy was like, "that's not your boyfriend, that guy's gay." Whoa, I got mad. I ran around the table got all up in his face, we're yelling back and forth, yada yada. Then like 8 of his friends jump up at me; it was retarded. Like, people that do that are so lame. Fight your own fight.

Anyway, a little while later this other dude was hitting on Lindsey and being really really pushy with her so I told him to knock it off, he wanted to fight. Girls totally cause drama, haha. But dudes at this bar were crazy, it was like they'd never seen a girl before. I think I would've been scared if I were a girl.

After all the fighting, etc we decided to walk back to the hotel. Allie thought it'd be a good idea for me to jump in every bush along the way. That was fun.

Then, today we hung out with Kari's family, it was nice. I love going to Cornell. It's always a weekend of craziness. Soon I will have no friends there and it's gonna be sad.

sounds like fun!

zach posted

Derek....I had so much fun with you this weekend; my stomach still hurts from laughing. You make Kari so happy- Thank you. Cas

Hey, don't forget our pickle jar dancing at the "prom". haha

Cas posted

Derek pissed his pants on Friday night.

Kevi posted

kari pissed out her butt

derek posted

hahaha so true...

p.s. - don't eat the pizza... it's fattening... i only had one piece and look at me!!

kevi posted

I want to drive your it like you stole it

Peter Cole, Jr. posted

derek, i just wanted to say thanks for making Kevi so happy!

nick posted

So did Cornell win the Homecoming game?

r00 posted

i have no idea. i've never gone to a cornell homecoming game.

derek posted

derek has never been to a cornell football game whether its homecoming or not..

but no, simpson won of course!

kari posted

Too bad...maybe they will beat Simpson this year in Water Polo.

r00 posted

i fucking love water polo

nick posted

i have a cousin (through marriage) who was goalie for the US water polo team in the olympics this year.

derek posted

i always wonder how you find out you are good at something like water polo...i bet i would rule at water polo

nick posted

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