Cornell, I love you again

So, a long time ago I wrote this article to get a few things off my chest. My friend Zay really liked it and suggested that I should submit it to the school newspaper (The Cornellian). So I did, and it made a lot of people mad, especially a kid named Jonathan Levine. So he wrote an article in the Cornellian about my article... trying to bash me. It was funny cause he didn't really say much and really backed down when I approached him.
So... now that I'm out of school he decides to start talking about me again?

Mira824: dude
Mira824: youre in the cornellien
Mira824: did you hear?
Derek R Brooks: i am?
Mira824: jonathan levine says"there was no derek brooks insulting what it means to be an undergradute student at a four year liberal arts school. (soap rules)
Mira824: hes talking about no big gossip topics have happened yet
Mira824: and hes talking about the ones that happened in the past
Derek R Brooks: hahaha
Derek R Brooks: save it for me
Derek R Brooks: that rules
Mira824: lol

Sooooo funny. I love Cornell and it's students. And I love all the liberal arts crap a lot more now that I have a career and earn a pretty respectable salary, I can say that it really paid off. I use my psychology, philosophy, and sociology skills every day.
This is funny and taken from another site.

Cornell Student Spam

I like getting email from the students. Sometimes it's questions about projects, other times it's just a little update as to what they are up to. I get a few of these during the summer. Unfortunately one of these updates has turned into a three week expletive laden spamfest.

One student, we'll call her Ashley, started the spamfest innocently enough by sending out an update to her contact information. Sad to say, many people are not yet familiar with the bcc feature that has been in use since 1994 in their email programs. So the 100 or so people that Ashley sent the email to were clearly identified. Usually not a problem - unless someone hits the reply button. Which is what happened. And since a number of these students have plenty of free time this summer, the reply button has been hit often.

Here's the latest example from an obviously brilliant first year student who we will call Jonathan Levine.

SHUT UP!!! what you think cause you look like me you can act like me? i will show you, gemmme that mic, just monkeys eh? well when monkey pox all of you and i go on scott free with the chosen few whom i have picked to help me re-populate the race of MAN, we will see who is a take your jelly and jam it...

i tell you what boyeeeei am the MAN and i tell you what goes down and

don't you forget it you answer to me, or the cigarette companies and

thats it...or i will institute a punishment so fearsome, so grotesque

you will be forced to admit it is worse than spam...You fucking


wha? watya YOU want, no i will not get off the stage i am speeching

here, unhand me brute, do you know who i fool my name is

Moriarty, i am a genuis, the king, james will all pay i

tell you--worse than spam...WORSE THAN SPAM!!!!

And that's probably one of the nicer, more coherent posts from Jonathan.

Another brilliant first year student, who we'll call Thomas Krell, verbally attacked a professor who asked to be removed from the list.

Believe me, i'm keeping a list and checking it twice. If your name is Jonathan Levine or Thomas Krell or one of the other three year olds who have been sending out these emails, don't expect too much help from the multimedia studio over the rest of your Cornell career. I prefer to work with students who at least act responsibly.

The saddest part is that the majority of these students are theatre department students. I like a number of the students who are involved in theatre here. It's nice to see some individuality in the students. But this isn't expressing one's individuality. This is being annoying and immature. I don't see myself supporting too many theatre projects in the foreseeable future.
