Couch Pics

which of these do you like best (to hang above my couch)? Here are some of the responses I got so far:

Alexei: 1, 2, or 4 ... those are the best
Denise: 1st one (the first four are good)
Harper: 2
Jeff (mv): the one with the guy grindin on the rail is pretty tight (4)
Kari: 2,4,8
Kevin: 6 is my first choice... then.. 2
Marja: I like the 4th, 5th and 8th ones best. I do like the 4th one just bc ppl will be like "what is that guy doing???" then you can explain it to them
Mart: Either 4, 5 or 8
Nathan: 3
Victor: 1,4 because its long length width wise and it would look good because a couch is wide.

written by 22 year old Derek Brooks

Number 3, if you can get both feet and the entire board in on the shot

number 4 (the soaper on the rail) is pretty cool also.


(super busy) Grposted

ingrid: definitely 2

dizol (chuck): 2,3 and 6 i like 6 the best


luke: i would say 2 or 4




couch03 is cool or couch01

Clinton Brooksposted

when I said #3 I really meant #2.

Greg Cposted



go with #4


3 o 4 id say

Josh Jurisicposted

6 b/c if you pick a pic just of you it makes you look really shallow....o wait.....


I like #2 or #4


number 4 is dope...i like the placement of the figure because its not centered and gives a good view of the rail.


6, 8, 4. i'm the only one who picked 6. other than kevin but that doesn't count cuz he's in the picture.


nevermind, i guess other people picked 6 too.


I like frame.jpg... maybe you could hang a moody black and white picture of your couch above your couch, the clever bit being that the picture within the picture replicates itself infinitely.

...and whenever you bring a girl back, it'd be a great ice breaker.


