Denver - Vic's Graduation

Man, I have been sick the last few days. Besides that , kari and I flew to Denver to go to her brother, Vic's, graduation, and to help him pack to move to Naperville. It was a pretty blah weekend. Friday we went to the graduation, shopped, went to PF Chang's with Vic's friends, and then saw A Series of Unfortunate Events. It was all fun, except I left my friggin debit card in an ATM. I was so mad. I need money!

Saturday we all packed and hung out. See, In Kari's family we eat, help people move, and take pictures. Basically we get fat from eating, get a workout from moving, and get to document it all with photos.

Today we flew home. Flying was not that fun this weekend. Normally I love it, but airports were a little annoying.

My sidekick saved me all weekend. I got to read, chat, IRC, etc... And I just wrote this article in the car from Newton. IA, w00t.
Yay for the Sidekick!!!
Dude has a ginger beard like me
