Halloween 2004
So halloween was pretty laid back this year. Kari's parents came up to visit, which was fun. Her dad made us good dinner and brought good wine. They also brought the dog which slaughtered a rabbit in my back yard. I still have to clean that up. I carved a Violent J pumpkin, which took a while. But it turned out decent I guess.
We had over 100 kids and went through 6 bags of candy with a half hour left in the night... So we had to shut our lights off. The kids were pretty funny. Some try to get away with the lamest costumes. Like this one kid came up with a skateboard and normal skater attire. He said he was a pro skateboarder - so I made him do tricks before he got candy. This area is also weird because people make the kids tell jokes before they get candy. So I heard some pretty good ones. This one young girl said, "what did the hammer say to the wood?" I was all, "what?" Her answer was, "I'm gonna nail you." wtf, that is not a kids joke. Anyway, it was awesome. Later we bought domain names and watched movies. Gothika is decent, and Salem's Lot sucks... bad