Help me, Help you

I need your help. I need it bad. Please please, help me get a free iPod. I have 2 completed referrals, and need 3 more (unless Nick and Zach complete theirs, then I just need 1 more - so do it, punks). This really works, my buddy harper just got one.

Once you sign up, then your friends can sign up under you and you'll be on your way to a free ipod as well. It's a fun game.

Click this link, do what it says, and I will love you. Whatever offer you sign up for, you can always call and cancel. Help me, help you.

written by 23 year old Derek Brooks

<3 my sister

now i just need 2 more people.
i love your sister too
There is one more for you.


only because I am cooler than Nick.


<3 steph
<3 nicole
<3 ladies
update: half <3 nicole. she signed up for a citi card that will make me wait 2 weeks for credit
update: <3 <3 nicole. she signed up for an instant credit offer.
all so you can get a free ipod.



You have requested that your account be approved. We will now go through this process, and review your account and referrals. Please check back after 5 business days to see your status.

We have approved your account and referrals. You may now order your totally FREE iPod.

Click Here to Redeem!
Thank you for your order!

We hope you enjoy your order from!

Order # 468090


11:42:00 PM

ok, now everyone do this for me...if only I was cool and had my own website. Wait, don't you already have an Ipod?


this one is bigger and newer, ha.
Alright, I'll give ya $50 for the old one.


By the way, not to be a "post slut" but you are going to be missing a kick ass show tonite.


i know, i wish it was another weekend.
status: Sent to Vendor, Waiting on Product
status: Shipped (16273917973)
I wish we had crazy sites like this in the UK
