Jason's Basement: Inspired by my desk

Jason Reiter (a college buddy of mine that I haven't seen in like 4 years) just moved to West Des Moines and bought a really nice house with his fiance. I'm pretty geeked about it. I'll have someone to hang out with, snowboard with, and maybe get him into a few more extreme sports (i.e. skateboarding)

He has an unfinished basement, so I'm gonna try to talk him into letting me build a mini ramp in it. I've spent the past couple hours working on plans for one. He has 8 or 9 foot ceilings...

If they're 9 feet, I'd like to build the 3 foot ramp that I designed tonight, otherwise I'll have to go 2 feet or something. Hopefully he's down for that, hehe. If not, I'll just have to build a box to grind or something. I really want to learn how to grind on my skateboard badly. This 0 degree weather and snow sucks, so I need Jason's basement ;)

Alright, maybe I should get back to more important things... like the web design company that Nick and I are planning.
just move out west and you won't have those weather problems :)


man, i would love to move out west. but then i would have those money problems... and i already have enough of those.

Here are the ramp plans so far... 2 mini quarters with just using the floor as the flat in between them. Dimensions:
height: 32 inches (3 feet max)

width: 4 feet

deck: 2 feet

radius: 5 feet

arc: 65.12 inches

overall dimensions

length: 6.4225

height: 3 feet

width: 4 feet

Perfect to goof around on.

You can use basement until I finish it and as long as you fix any damage you cause (i.e. skate boards through windows, etc.


word, if i DO build something down there, you gotta learn how to skateboard ;)