Loud Noises Used to Make Me Dance

Weekends at home rule, for real. I can't wait for another weekend like this.

So Friday, I ended up going out with Nathan and Chuck. We started at Stix but quickly upgraded to DJ Skribble @ Crush... then we downgraded again to Drink, and then again to Vieux Carre. Weak. It was a fun night though. (more pics)

Saturday I basically got a ton of things done at home, Nick and I did some web dev, then we went to Moo's house for some sweet loins and scotch older than me. It was a nice night. Always good food and drink ad Doug's.

Then Nathan bought me a bottle of glenlivet 12 for helping me fix his car sunday, w00t. Working on his car always cracks me up because it's just as old and crappy as mine. Plus while we were going to buy parts for his car, my door handle broke off my passenger door. So, now if I lock my doors, the only way to get in is to crawl through the hatch...

And now, here's a ridiculous article posted on our intranet:
Loud Noises Used to Deter Geese
Oct. 10, 2006 - Johnston, Iowa

In an ongoing effort to control the population of geese around the Ceres Lake, we will be periodically using a pyrotechnic device to make loud noises. This device will be used sparingly to scare the geese away from the property. Coupled with our use of a live dog and dog silhouettes, we hope this encourages the birds to land elsewhere.

written by 25 year old Derek Brooks