Mindless Self Indulgence

I went to the MSI concert tonight with Cullen, Kevin, and Jenny (a girl from Cornell). It was awesome.

The show started off with a weird bluegrass/metal band from Brooklyn, NY called unkle ****er(but the violinist is hot). Then Tub Ring came on, a punk/metal band from Chicago, who was really really good... I wish I woulda bought one of their CDs. Shortly after, Mindless Self Indulgence came out....

Jimmy Urine is nuts and puts on a great show. Lyn Z is so hot. I wish she would live with me. Kitty is also above average and can definitely rock the drums. Steve Righ puked on stage for some reason.

So, Mindless Self Indulgence puts on an awesome show. We made it up to the front as always. Urine was standing on the railing right in front of us. One girl got to pick his nose and then he put her finger in his mouth. Cullen got to crowd surf. I ripped off some of the rubber mat that Lyn tore from the ground and threw out.

After the show I bought the despierta los ninos tour only EP and a t-shirt. Kevin got the Tub Ring CD...

Good concerts rule so much. Thanks to harper and meghan higgly for introducing me to MSI 4 years ago.

written by 22 year old Derek Brooks