My sister rules

A few months ago my sister entered the Miss Teen Illinois contest with 2000 other girls. Well, that 2000 was narrowed down to 175 which went to the actual pageant in Chicago. We went and watched, and probably had the loudest cheering section in the whole place (between about 6 of her friends, and my family). Everyone was really nervous but my sister made it to the top 15... and then the top 5. Then she ended up taking 2nd runner up (3rd place) out of the original 2,000 that entered the contest. If you would like to see a picture of the top 5, go to My sister is the girl in the white dress (Bre'anna Brooks)


*chokes on cereal*


Hey Derek, Thanks for putting this on your website! I really appreciate it =) you're such a good big brother. ;)

Bre'anna Brooksposted