My Wife Kills My Productivity

So, over the past couple years of living with Kari I've noticed something strange. There is a drastic difference in how much work I get done when Kari is home as opposed to when Kari is not home. See, when Kari is gone, I am so ridiculously productive. I sort of let my A.D.D. run wild working on somewhere between 3 and 10 different things in one evening. Sometimes I even throw in some skating and working out. It rules.

However, when Kari is there, I barely get anything done - and I can't figure out why. It's not her fault at all. I mean, it's not like she's bothering or distracting me. We don't even hang out together that much at night. I really don't get it. She is normally in a completely different part of the house than I am, but I still just become lazier just because of her being there.

So yeah, I love it when she hangs out with friends - and as much as I complain about the cost of her going to school - I like it when she's at class too. And don't get me wrong - I love hanging out with Kari; I just don't understand wtf is up when we're both at home and not hanging out.

I really don't understand it. Something is wrong with me.
That is all.

written by 25 year old Derek Brooks

That is so funny that you say that! It's the same for me when the boys and/or Mathew are home!! It's not that they are wanting me to do anything with them, but, I feel like I'm expected to be available at a moments notice, or drop something if I start it to help them. I get wayyyyyy more done when they're at work/school!

Vicki Terronezposted

Same thing here. When my wife is out I'm full of energy and ideas, and when she's at home I get barely anything done. It must be some kind of a caveman-thing in our genes.


It's the pheromones...they make you mentally sleepy..


I always get this problem but figured it'd disappear if I ever got married. Well, there goes that idea.


Your wife is a n00b.


You have sex and then you don't feel like doing anything. It's simple economics. She leaves and you do projects. I'm surprised you didn't figure that out on your own.
