
Alright so I've got a new look for the site, it defintely needed a change. Anyway, a lot of the stuff is the same. The big changes are: new design/colors, links to friends, more cars, biography, and I will have audio/videos soon.

If you have a personal site and are my friend, be sure to send me a picture and a link, then I'll add you. What do you think?

written by 22 year old Derek Brooks

I like.


I really do like this new look! Much cooler now....

After Marja and I checked it out.....we took more pictures :P

ps. I love Oliver Reed


nice redesign. btw, when you gonna come out to cali?

Greg Cumberfordposted

man would i ever love to go to cali, but i have too many vacations planned.

i wish my job gave me more than 3 weeks vacation... i went to chicago a few weeks ago, just got back from saint louis, going to detroit in a few weeks, need to get out to NYC to visit my friend katie, going snowboarding at whistler blackcomb (which is about 5 hours north of seattle), and i need to take some time off in the spring to mod out my car, heh.
Heh.. I know where Whistler is.. I grew up in that mountain range. Ski raced every weekend for 12+ years.

Seems like we keep missing each other. First Iowa a few years back, then Detroit. Folks, don't move to eastern michigan; it flat out sucks. Tonight is my last night in Detroit for a looong time. I'm flying to Calgary for a few days, and then back to San Francisco next Thursday.


Looking cool. I like.


new site is cool. i like the friends link thing. you will be getting a picture from myself, shortly.
