Oh Yeah, I'm Back

I'm home now. Things are still pretty nuts, lots of things to put away after the wedding/honeymoon. Plus about 1000 pictures to sort through and upload. Don't worry, they'll be up soon.

In other news, I got a 60gig video iPod, now Kari and I have 4 ipods, wtf. Hopefully they release a new one tomorrow so we can have 5.

And in other other news, my cubicle at work got filled with packing peanuts. Check out the pictures.

Being married is pretty funny. I am one immature married person.

written by 24 year old Derek Brooks

to be fair, you were one immature single person too


Time has run out! ... The Domain Name


.....has expired!

I want a Video iPod!

Your cube rocks!

Oh, and welcome back! Missed you guys.
So...those cigars...anything for Uncle Rico?



you forgot to write about our honeymoon baby...


looks like i will be in Des Moines tomorrow night, but I am not sure yet. I will call you. by the way, almost bought that same ipod last night...i just can't do it! $400 plus tax, plus accessories! So, $500...damn!


oh yeah, honeymoon baby.... steph has to get rid of her dog, arnold. so we're adopting it, haha.

and sweet, see ya tomorrow ben. should we check out autographs? i hear they close at... well... close.
I ate an apple today.


Actually, he did write about the honeymoon. In fact, he described your honeymoon so well, I know you shit green on day three.

star jonesposted

ya, i hate it when places close when they close.


star jones, i think you are dumb. she said "honeymoon baby"

not "honeymoon, baby"


none of that is important, but I did eat an apple yesterday.


Nice pod pod, my black 60 is in the mail. I have to wait two weeks though due to backorders. Lame.
finally bought an iPod dealy. Went with the older 60 gig. I don't need no stinking videos! So, $340 from Best Buy, then of course another 5 million on a service plan, case, and car stuff. It better fucking be worth it!
