pwn teh shedz0r!!!11

A lot of you know that I've been building a shed in my back yard. It's my first building so I was a bit nervous... luckily I have mad building skillz, haha. So I downloaded the "Californian" plans from and built a sweet shed.

There's not much to say about it except that I definitely learned a lot. Here's a few things to note...
· rent a sod cutter next time
· remember to put mesh in my cement next time
· make sure the frame will meet up well with the sheets of plywood
· don't build 45 degree roofs (I am scared of them)
· working with metal fascia sucks

Also, thanks a TON to everyone that helped out or let me borrow tools... My dad, Jeff Reynolds, Anthony, r00, Rico, Kevi, Mike Kock.

Here are some progressive pictures of the building process... and since I'm a dork, here's the timelapse webcam video I made. It's pretty boring, but whatev, haha. Pay attention to us messing up and restarting the shingles 3 times around 2:30.

Now I need to landscape around that building... lame.

written by 23 year old Derek Brooks

w00t. that video is awesome.


haha, i love seeing ninja flash all over the screen, just a black dot most of the time...


It's suspenseful, the whole time I was thinking, "How is he going to get it done in 5 minutes???" haha. I also liked watching the shadows move and the trees dance to the music. =)
