Pwn the sun

A couple months ago some friends and I claimed the Sun. We were so happy when we obtained it... but we didn't know what to do with it. After breif discussion we decided that we should sell parts of it as real estate. And since there is so much surface on the Sun (6,069,871,166,000.84 square kilometers) we figured that we could sell it for an insanely low price! This plan would give our fellow land owners one of the best deals of their lifetime and make us ultra rich. In fact, if we sold the entire sun, we would each make a approximately $7,081,516,314,851.66. This is a lot of money...

Please check out our website and deeply consider purchasing your right to the hottest property you can buy!

written by 22 year old Derek Brooks



derek this is definetly one of the coolest things youve ever thought of. congrats on your $15 profit thus far:)

as usual you rule


The title of this subject is Pwn the sun...should have used soellcheck