So far so good...

So I've been living in Des Moines for a little over a week and it's going pretty well... except for my lack of friends out here. Everyone I know is trying to be all professional n stuff. Don't get me wrong, I think it's important to be professional at work, but the only people I know are at work... while they're at work.

On another subject, I actually live in West Des Moines and my apartment could be easily described as a pimp-pad. My Job is in Johnston, which is about 10 minutes away from the apartment... so that's cool too. The company I work for has a "campus" and the building I work in is about as big as Cornell. Funny.

I'll have pictures of my Apartment, job, and cubicle soon. My whole floor should be moving around soon because of new hires like myself (I think we're pushing a whole group of people out into an older building... whoops). So once I get my new cube, I'll get the pictures. I also want to wait until my apartment is complete before I get the pics. I just need a few pictures hung and chairs for my dining room table.

written by 21 year old Derek Brooks

Hi Derek,

I got your email a long time ago, and I've been meaning to get back to you and write a proper note.

Congratulations on the new job and the apartment. The commute to work sounds pretty sweet. I've got some shots of my shack (I'm subletting it for a while) if you're interested in seeing my place (

Anyhow, just wanted to drop you a line and wish you luck with the new job. I know exactly what you mean a/b only knowing people at work. It takes a while, and does suck, but it'll pass.

G'luck with everything.



I would just like to say Im extremely offended by you saying you have no friends Derek. Im your damn friend and I live 6 min away from your work and 20 min from your apt. I've introduced you to ppl and whenever I try to introduce you to anyone else you are too lazy to get in your car and go out. So no one should believe him about not having any friends. Derek has just turned into a grumpy old man all stuck on his job - LOOOOSER!!!


mira... i'll kill you.

Derek Brooksposted

hey from iowa city- we're coming to visit you soon! katie is pumped. and let's see some pictures of this pimp-pad!
