Spanish, Kevin, and Portfolio

I did a few updates to the site... First of all, I wrote a Spanish Flashcard program for a class at Cornell. It's written in PHP so if you want to check it out you can by clicking here. If you want more info about this program, check out a more detailed description of it in the portfolio section. I also completely redid the portfolio section. I added a couple sites that weren't there before and added a high resolution picture for each website I've made. Click the hi-res link below each description to check them out.

Probably the most important thing I've added is a picture of Kevin. Go to the pictures section and look at the bottom picture of Kevin. You'll notice that he is holding a case of Mountain Dew... I'll explain. A year and a half ago Kevin pledged into a social group (fraternity at Cornell), called Sigma Tau. I made him a bet that he would deactivate before he graduated. We agreed on a case of Mountain Dew... well, yesterday, Kevin comes into the room with a case of Mountain Dew for me... I won the bet!
I can't post anything in the forum - maybe you already knew this, i dunno. I keep getting an error anyways...

dunk posted

hehe, good call. i'll fix that when i get back to school on monday.

derek posted

hey i decided to fix the forum. for some reason i decided to comment out the most vital line of code in the whole thing.... so yeah, i uncommented it, and it works now. sorry.

derek posted

derek (at) broox (dot) com is bouncing.

I emailed Alex something to forward to you (I don't have your cornell email address anymore).


Greg posted

for anyone who was trying to email me... it's fixed...

derek posted

won't be shared or displayed