St Lucia Day 3

Today ruled. We went on this Land and Sea excursion. They drove us all around the island and then we rode this huge catamaran around the shore back to a bay near our resort. There is too much to say about it... So here it is in list form - there will be plenty of pics soon.

Basically, we drove through...
· Anse La Raye (a fisherman village)
· Soufriere
· Marigot Bay, where we got to try banana ketchup and some locally made spiced rum (I bought a bottle for yall to try)

and saw ...
· Some pirate ships that were used in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie
· Hess Oils, which had some insane crude oil containers
· Some huge banana plantations
· The Pitons (those 2 huge mountains that the local beer is named after, and where part of the original superman 2 movie was shot)
· The diamond waterfalls in this botanical garden of Soufriere, where superman flew too after he left the Pitons.
· A drive-in volcano in Soufriere. We drove into it and checked it out. It smelled bad.
· Lots of animals wandering around. Dogs were walking through streets, horses, cows, and goats were either loose or tied to trees.

Finally we had lunch in Soufriere and then boarded the Carnival II catamaran for a trip down the coast of St Lucia. It ruled so much. The weather was perfect, good music was playing there was a bar on the catamaran, plus we got to snorkel. I took a couple pics while snorkeling, but I blew it early and wasted all the pics in the first 5 minutes when we had 45 minutes to take pictures, haha. Stupid disposable underwater cameras only having 27 pics. I need the waterproof housing for my camera. Nick n Nicole???? ;-)

For dinner we ate at the Bayside restaurant, my clam pasta was flavorless, Kari's pizza ruled. After dinner we had a few drinks and then decided to head to bed early since we didn't feel like line dancing at the night club. Maybe soon we will stay late enough for the actual club to open. Then we could dance.

P.S. Don't worry Nick and Nehru, I've got 2 bottles of the Piton already packed for you to have and rate.

written by 24 year old Derek Brooks beer to rate! Can't wait to see some pictures. Don't worry about your cube, we can't do anything to it.


Sounds beautiful there! Have a wonderful & relaxing trip! The wedding was beautiful & alot of fun! Love you both, Mom

Rhonda Brooksposted