Stupid Apple and their dope software

I'm not really a big fan of macs at all, but i will say that they make some incredibly attractive products. I just downloaded the new fimware for my ipod along with itunes for windows.

itunes is definitely the best download out there right now for mp3 management. It is so clean and so easy. Go download it! It is the best mp3 player, it's free, and you will be so happy.

written by 22 year old Derek Brooks

i concur whole heartedly my african american brother
[11:10] <Govno> "fo shizzle ma nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastdardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African american brother"

my friend harper also pointed something out on his website... which i failed to mention. here is what he has to say:

So.. I was playign with itunes (wierd) and I discovered that the ipod generates smart playlists in real time. It RULES so much. I can have a history of songs played. I can have a list of all my highly rated songs. it is so incredibly cool!!!
I agree that apple is in general utterly fucking retarded in many ways, but I just downloaded iTunes for windows and this shit rox my box.


Killerdog309: no way
Killerdog309: music match is da sh*t
Derek R Brooks: dude music match BLLLLLLLLLLOWS
Killerdog309: whatever
Derek R Brooks: itunes is the best
Derek R Brooks: period
Killerdog309: how come
Killerdog309: it's slow
Derek R Brooks: i have been waiting for the day they made it for windows
Derek R Brooks: it's not slow
Derek R Brooks: and you can rate songs
Derek R Brooks: it generates real time playlists
Killerdog309: have you tried music match
Derek R Brooks: i've had musicmatch on my computer forever
Derek R Brooks: only because it was the only software that worked with my ipod
Derek R Brooks: and now itunes is for windows and works with my ipod
Derek R Brooks: and musicmatch got deleted immediately
Killerdog309: well I don't have an ipod
Derek R Brooks: you dont need one
Derek R Brooks: it is an mp3 player for your computer
Killerdog309: convince me right now to delete music match and download it
Derek R Brooks: alright
Derek R Brooks: tell me why musicmatch rules
Killerdog309: becuase, it's got a tight recording system, alphabetices
Derek R Brooks: every mp3 player does that
Killerdog309: link me
Killerdog309: I'll download it
Derek R Brooks:
Derek R Brooks: itunes lets you sort by artist, album, song, genre, your rating, the last time you played the song, how often you play the song, etc
Derek R Brooks: musicmatch is also bloated as hell
Derek R Brooks: it takes up tons of space
Derek R Brooks: it's huge
Derek R Brooks: and it's a resource hog
Derek R Brooks: it tags CDs with unstandard tags
Killerdog309: ohhh
Derek R Brooks: it's programmed really badly
Derek R Brooks: takes a long time to load
Killerdog309: I see, does itunes have ummm skins?
Derek R Brooks: i dont know
Derek R Brooks: it looks beautiful the way it is
Derek R Brooks: it's so clean
Killerdog309: you look beautiful
Derek R Brooks: kiss my face
