Blog entries tagged Saint Louis

3 blog entries

  • Xtreme Nation Demos

    So, I just got back from Saint Louis with Aaron, Zach, and Jordan... It was so much fun.

    Friday, I got on the tiny plane for my hour long flight to STL, haha. The plane was small enough to where we had to board from the tarmac, hehe. We stayed in Chesterfield, which is a lame lame town. There is nothing to do at night... at all. We ended up walking around the town, swimming, and by the end of the night we were beating the crap out of each other. We got into some pretty good punching, slapping, and kicking games. We all had huge bruises on our arms, welts on our backs, sore stomachs, and sore nutbags. I even got jacked in the face by Jordan, haha.

    Saturday we showed up to the demo which was sooo much fun. Xtreme Nation is …
  • Kraus and Saint Louis

    Wow, what a weird day. It looks like Kraus (aka krausburger aka santa kraus) is leaving Pioneer to join the family business. The punk already bought a house down there on the water with a jetski lift... wtf? That'll be friggin awesome.

    In other sweet news, Soap is flying me to Saint Louis in a couple weeks to do a couple demos and hang out with Aaron and Jordan... hopefully Zach can come to.

    Also, Nick and I just got 2 new web jobs for Truespin.

  • St Louis Demo

    I picked up the rental van Thursday, then Kevin and I drove down to Kansas City. Once we got there, we met Oliver, Chris, and their friend Kevin. They played a bad trick on us. Chris didn't show up for a while cause he had to take a crap or something, so Kevin said that he was Chris, even though he's a pale skinned red-head, and Chris is tan with longer, brown hair. That had me so confused for a while. Anyway, they showed us a movie that the made called "Soap Movie." It's a full length movie! I didn't see the whole thing, but they showed me the highlights, and it was pretty good.

    The next day, we went soaping around Kansas City and the suburbs. They took us to this one rail that is about a foot/foot and a half off the ground, insanely …