v1, v2, and v3

My blog has gone through 4 different designs so far and since I still had all the old designs saved, I decided to upload them. I don't really know why you would ever want to see them... but if you want to see the last 3 blog designs, check out: v1, v2, and v3.

Note that some of the old designs had different sections, i.e. forum, cars, dj, and portfolio. Plus they all had different random pictures that load. Check them out.

    written by 23 year old Derek Brooks

    that's awesome. the memories keep flowing back to me. i wish i would have saved my old designs.

    Kevi posted

    Oh yea.

    i should make my weblog v4. since v3 debuted in 2001. haha


    v4 - 11/5/2004

    v3 - 9/22/2003

    v2 - 1/9/2002

    v1 - 7/8/2001

    derek posted

    damn, I am still on V1. How much is the upgrade?

    r00 posted

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