
Getting some happy joes with luke, the only other dude in dm that likes happy joes.

Taco FTW


I like so fuggin happy joes! The taco pizza, canadian bacon, and the BLT are awesome.


I like Happy Joes too. Taco yummmmmm!
yep, except most des moines people are happy joes haters.
@broox @aeongrey I'm jealous. Happy Joe's is vital.
I love happy joe's. And I have no idea where one is. Has it always been here?
there's one at 86th and meredith and another at ep true and 35th. there used to be one on euclid and e 14th... but i don't think it's there anymore.
When Iowa City got hit by a tornado a few years ago, the Happy Joes was destroyed. And that was when I decided I no longer had any reason to go to Iowa City.
is that what they are called ing sperm these days in Iowa "happy joes"