
$400.52 and 1 giant pain in the ass later, our passports are applied for.

wait. passports don't cost that much. I know there expensive but thats like an arm and leg price. Im not looking forward to renewing mine in 4 years.
(2 x ($110 passport + $60 expediting, $14.96 overnight delivery)) + $25 processing fee since i'm a n00b + $5.60 to mail kari's priority.

if you follow the rules, it should only cost you $110 to renew.
Why so much? I just applied 2 or 3 weeks ago and I never had one before and it cost like $140. Non-expedited and ill get it in under 3 weeks looks like
dang. that sucks. Where you going to need these? Also hope they except them. shoot 110, thats more then I paid to get mine orginally. haha.
We just watched the movie Leap Year last night. It was gay, but Ireland is a beautiful country. Long way to go to drink beer though.


Man procrastinating sucks. So does being dumb. Trust me I'm the mayor of both of those towns.
Did you do expedited? I just got mine today, 20 days from application to receipt of the passport, non-expedited. Not too bad I guess. Just know your birth certificate doesn't come back with it. You'll get it later
nathan: if there's 1 thing cornell taught me, it's procrastination
comps: yea, i expedited... see my comment above with all the costs... i think we posted at the same time so you missed it.
Cornell taught me procrastination too. I STILL haven't graduated from there.