
Why do people use email signatures that advertise which device they sent their message with? Irrelevant douchebaggery at it's finest.

Mine from my iPhone says, "Sent from my iPad Mini."
Perhaps because they are using the default and never bothered to change it
douchebaggery! haha. i wholeheartedly blame apple for this.
becasue it makes us look cool. Tweeted from my super duper new fangled better-than-yours gadget
I'm lazy I don't change the signature.
Why do people wear clothing with the brand name on it? Same douchebaggery.
why do people get tattoos of huge crowns on their bodies....why douchebaggery of course
cause they like the clothing? i think that is a bit different. i still carry my nexus one with a google logo on it, and my macs have apples on them. even though i'm really just using them for what they can do, i think branding on products is fine.

... but those brands mean absolutely nothing to most email messages.
ahh the facebook douchery is strong with this crowd....
My shitty cell provider doesn';t have the blackberry portal up so I can't edit my sig. Woo.
If I were told that by your sig that you sent this from a tiny touchscreen, I'd be slightly more willing to forgive your its/it's typo.
derek is probably sitting there going I hate dez asshats

--sent from my douchey desktop--
cliff, just you. :p
ben, totally.

i've seen plenty where the purpose was not to advertise their cool new gadget...

sent from my phone, sorry if any typos
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

...polite, informative, and not completely soaked by a douchenozzle.
like I said most people dont even think about it. they just activate their email account on the phone and go.

--still sent from my douchey desktop--
Because they want people to see how cool they are.

-- Sent from my Newton
I'm still lazy I haven't changed my signature.

--Sent from this douchery facebook app--
99% probably don't know how to change it. My work email says it though because my phone emails are much shorter than desktop ones.


I haven't changed mine either. I don't even really care about it. It could say Sent by Satan worshipping Nazi war monger and I'd probably be like meh, I'll change it later. To me it serves no real function so I don't mess with it.

Maybe I'll change it to Sent from my IPhone while sitting on the toilet and smoking backwoods cigars.