
every time i get an email that ends with a J, i want to punch the outlook user who sent me the message.

yeah, so why is that? Does outlook have "letter J tourettes"?
@LeviRosol @broox its been a smiley face everytime i've looked
@lucky33 @levirosol outlook converts ascii smileys to wingdings characters. if outlook just used unicode smileys, it would work for everyone
thanks for clearing that up for me, I always wondered why random "j"s would appear in people's email


. @broox @lucky33 wait, so people close their emails with a #$@% smiley face? I assumed it was like closing a press release *** or something
@LeviRosol @broox I was wondering what that damn J was
why wouldn't you want to punch the developers of outlook in the face? i don't know what the heck i'm doing when i'm overusing my :)
really just more proof that smileys do not belong in professional emails
