
This year's biggest spammer goes to "@CornellCollege Alumni Directory PLEASE RESPOND" …any of you cornell alums actually respond to this?

nope! I still get snail mail and email from the alumni office so they have my up to date info!


Yes, responded to make it stop. Takes 2 min, just have to be form that you don't want to buy the directory . Haven't heard from them since!
@broox @CornellCollege I responded and it really is SPAM! they just want to sell you some overpriced directory.
@ibcheerful @cornellcollege wow! wtf???
@broox @ibcheerful The company DOES want to sell you the directory, but the college makes no money from that (1/2)
@broox @ibcheerful Our purpose is just to make sure we have good contact information and that if people WANT a directory, they can get one
@broox @ibcheerful The last directory came out in 2002, so it's missing a lot of alums
Why not build your own alumni directory and make it available for alumni online? Surely you have the data and resources.
@broox @cornellcollege Frankly the sell is too hard, seems like a service the alumni office should provide. It seems almost too easy.
@skabaru @broox The problem is getting good contact info for 12,000 alumni. But we have gotten complaints, & we're working to address them
i just think most people would feel more comfortable calling you or updating a form on your site over calling a 3rd party
@broox I've thrown away several reminder cards from the 3rd party BUT I'd be happy to respond directly to @cornellcollege (and have).
