
I'm going straight to black metal today... I hope this helps.

@clint @cgansen i wish it was me. oh so much. /cc @broox
@harper @clint @cgansen i wish it was me too. /cc @lucky33

broox posted

@broox @harper @clint @cgansen i wish it was me too /cc @RyanK

lucky33 posted

@lucky33 @broox @clint @ryank I bet it was @cgansen. He "figured" it out pretty quick.
@harper @lucky33 @broox @ryank @cgansen That's a good point

clint posted

@harper @clint @cgansen @broox don't make me tell the president on you. cc: @barackobama
If you want some fresh and totally negative black metal, check out Voices - the vids are NSFW though!
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