What the hell? How'd they decide on that photo? Seems particularly random.

iandees posted

you seem to get screwed out of photo credits often, huh?
RT @broox: Apparently @shaq's face was superimposed onto 1 of my photos of @djdiverse & shown on the NBA playoffs on TNT tonight, haha. WTF
hey @broox @djdiverse @GERMANation @reddhed @johnnypea @shaq did you guys know your superimposed photo was on tnt?
you shut your whorish mouth!

broox posted

@broox @kbroox loooooooooove

lucky33 posted

@kbroox @broox @djdiverse @GERMANation @reddhed @JohnnyPea @SHAQ wait...what happened?

DaRealCraigO posted

Did Harper get the photo credit?
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