"@broox: The mood, the things we built, this whole day. So positive. So amazing. Onto the rally to meet my wife!" Congrats sir


Thank you for all your hard work Derek! Has to feel great!!
High Fives! @harper @trammell @scottvdp @dylanr @aaronsalmon @clint @broox @BarackObama
@marihuertas @broox @patelc75 @RyanK @leozh SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU. Thank You!
RT @Penguin: High Fives! @harper @trammell @scottvdp @dylanr @aaronsalmon @clint @broox @BarackObama
I am looking for you in the crowd on CNN! Love you! Mom
Thank you!
Derek's mom just emailed him through Facebook. Haha
Lol! Whatever kevin! With his busy life, FB & texting are the only way he has time for Mom lately!
+1 @harper @detour1999 @scottvdp @broox @aconbere @michaelslaby and countless others cc: @BarackObama
Derek..T and I are proud of your efforts...and having seen first hand your work at Obama Central...we are even more impressed with your talents. Thank you.
Huge congratulations @michaelslaby @harper @cbracy @detour1999 @scottvdp @broox @lis_smith @lucky33 and the rest of the @Obama2012 Team.
I'm at Obama for America Campaign HQ w/ @broox t.co/8PkCthkC
