"@broox: The mood, the things we built, this whole day. So positive. So amazing. Onto the rally to meet my wife!" Congrats sir

theP_A_U_L posted

Thank you for all your hard work Derek! Has to feel great!!
High Fives! @harper @trammell @scottvdp @dylanr @aaronsalmon @clint @broox @BarackObama
@marihuertas @broox @patelc75 @RyanK @leozh SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU. Thank You!
RT @Penguin: High Fives! @harper @trammell @scottvdp @dylanr @aaronsalmon @clint @broox @BarackObama
I am looking for you in the crowd on CNN! Love you! Mom
Thank you!
Derek's mom just emailed him through Facebook. Haha
Lol! Whatever kevin! With his busy life, FB & texting are the only way he has time for Mom lately!
+1 @harper @detour1999 @scottvdp @broox @aconbere @michaelslaby and countless others cc: @BarackObama
Derek..T and I are proud of your efforts...and having seen first hand your work at Obama Central...we are even more impressed with your talents. Thank you.
Huge congratulations @michaelslaby @harper @cbracy @detour1999 @scottvdp @broox @lis_smith @lucky33 and the rest of the @Obama2012 Team.
I'm at Obama for America Campaign HQ w/ @broox

RyanK posted

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