
"wow, you've got a baby face. They're gonna be cardin you for a loooong time." - my waitress after checking my ID for this pint of beer.

@zedshaw @broox has an antifatigue mat or something.
@harper @zedshaw definitely. Spend money on a standing mat like you would an office chair. I use a wearwell anti-fatigue mat.
@broox @harper @zedshaw You could also wear clogs (seriously)
@paulsmith @harper @zedshaw at home, I wear crocs on top of my standing mat, haha.
@broox @harper @zedshaw shoeless with a mat is the most comfortable combo IMHO
@broox @harper @zedshaw I tried shoeless w/ an exercise mat at first, but that's too much cushion & caused ankle pain. 3 or 4 towels works.