
It kills me every time my hacker friends tweet about finally getting their "twitter archive download" when twitter's had an API for years.

but you could only go so far back, so if you didn’t start early enough….
@littlelazer @broox right. and in my case - you never could get the entire thing
Exactly. I have all of mine. ;)

broox posted

@harper @broox yeah, by the time I realized what they were doing, my oldest stuff was already out of reach
@broox @harper lol, page 687?
but doesn't the api only let you have the last 3k?
Looks like I started slurping my tweets in the spring of 2008 when I had ~2600 tweets.

broox posted

oh me too, I have a script that dumps them all into a db. not using them but I CAN.
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