
Cilantro tastes better than any other herb EVERRRRRRRRR

I work where many people insist it tastes like soap. they're wrong.
@jeffrey @broox those people have no tongues
@harper @jeffrey @broox There's a gum in Canada that tastes like soap. It is friggin delicious.
@harper @jeffrey I love ordering cilantro filled food when out with tongueless people.

broox posted

10000000000% agree
@natekontny @harper @jeffrey @broox it tasted so bad, we liked it so much when we were kids.
you are my new bestest friend

mikeharper posted

@broox @harper @jeffrey it's s genetic thing, how people taste cilantro. I am hoping the soap-tasters can get genetic grafts someday.

mikeharper posted

@harper @jeffrey @broox Cilantro is very easy to grow. In ground or a container. Self seeding, so it comes back :)
@Tamssot @harper @jeffrey I have some growing off the side of my deck rail.

broox posted

@broox @harper @jeffrey I will buy some of your Cilantro :)
@mikeharper @broox @harper i would suffer through it to respect the fact that my brain was lying to me.
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