
Not having television right now blows. I just wanna watch hockey!

I thought that was why god made sports bars. Or NHL streams.

mikeharper posted

2 pretty quick goals, too bad, Derek :)
i've got my eye on the nhl ice tracker, so i'm at least up to date... just pissed i'm missin all the action!
yea. Sports bars work well when you have money. NHL streams work well when you have a cable service to login with.

broox posted

I think the playoffs are on NBC. Just shove some coat hangers in the antenna port on a tv

mikeharper posted

also, pirate NHL streams probably exist. I know dudes who pirate football

mikeharper posted

i don't have a tv. ;) ... though i may just crack and head to a sports bar shortly.

broox posted

I might have to take you up on that!
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