
Somehow just finding out about @waze. It seems pretty rad, despite it's super ghetto implementation... Can't wait to go for a drive.

@broox The terrible looking interface was the thing that kept me from using @waze until recently, but functionally it's pretty great!

RyanK posted

@broox @waze it is really good as a real time map (vs destination nav). Hope the integrate that part into gmaps too. (Great for my moto)

hhhealthy posted

after first use, it seems a bit dangerous/distracting. Maybe I need a mount to stick it in my peripheral vision.

broox posted

interaction only works when stopped or in traffic but I haven't really been able to that since I wear gloves when on my moto.

hhhealthy posted

Did you have a chance to drive with Waze yet?

waze posted

I did. The concept is cool but it was also a bit distracting and didn't seem to provide much value over simply using Google maps.

broox posted

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