
A year's supply of food with a 25yr expiration date just showed up on my front porch because my gma thinks the end of the world is near...

Hope there's astronaut ice cream in there, that ish is bommmbbbb!!
I take it she doesn't expect you to be raptured?
All my siblings got 12 boxes! Lol! My address must not be known, lol!
At least I know who to go to when I need snacks in the Apocolypse
Ha....we all got 12 boxes last week! Fun times!
daaang. time for a disaster-themed party?


I am going to see @broox, as they say, in the flesh next week #NoGrammar
You're grandma is awesome.
You are officially on the Zombie team, as long as you bring the food.
Yea, she is totally calling you out as a big ol' sinner who will not be raptured. And that's cool because you have totally bypassed try outs for Team Smithson. Bring the food and you make the team!