
I want the super power that gives me the ability to consume all the fancy foods and drinks I want without ever getting full, drunk, or fat.

And without going broke...
@broox @harper I would be fine with full, drunk, and fat as long as I could dodge heartburn and hangover.
it's called "teenager"
@xianrenaud @broox minus the drunk.. they tend to be lightweights.
@braddwyer @broox I haven't got a teenage girl drunk in decades. I'll take your word for it.
@xianrenaud @broox yeah but remember how quick you got those teenage boys drunk?
@braddwyer @broox charged, never convicted.
@xianrenaud @broox neither was OJ. But nobody'll be surprised when your "If I did it" book comes out.
@braddwyer @broox (taps out)
A really long index finger?
That power would definitely need an on/off switch