are you on the $30/mo plan? i find that once i get out of LTE coverage i only get edge service and it's slower than my flip phone.

iandees posted

@broox @TMobile @iloveiwireless I had to leave them because of it. They told me they guarantee a fix. Six months later...still sucks

right65 posted

one of their reps told me that their roaming agreements are always 2G.

broox posted

yea. I'm switching to Straighttalk for this reason.

iandees posted

@broox @iandees tmobile's new free international roaming is 2g.
@iandees @broox my understanding is that this is for prepaid plans. my $60/mo plan has "full" data roaming coverage.

hhhealthy posted

@hhhealthy @broox agree. In theory StraightTalk uses at&t's network so more 3G roaming.

iandees posted

@hhhealthy @iandees I dunno, I have a regular, contactless plan. $130/mo for my wife and I.

broox posted

@broox @iandees If that is the case i have zero reason to be paying $60/mo vs $30. hmm. i'll have to call in and ask myself.

hhhealthy posted

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