
I have not been listening to nearly enough black metal lately.

time for opeth?


@tolar @broox fuck opeth. Krallice or old stuff (emperor at least). And maybe fade to doom: indian
@harper @broox my heart belongs to German fantasy metal band Blind Guardian. Also side project Demons & Wizards


@tolar @broox blind guardian is good. As long as you don't mention dragon force, we can still be friends.
@harper @broox whew


@tolar @broox if I knew you were a fan I would have directed you to godz in Kabukicho while you were in Tokyo t.co/8MCFSZVlRe
@iandees @tolar @broox sign in
@harper @tolar @broox i did. pretty tame. flickr's not very metal.


Atom and His Package - "Me and my Black Metal Friends." Gaagle it.
