have you been?

iandees posted

only Ireland.

broox posted

i bet you would enjoy northern europe. germany, netherlands, UK, etc.

iandees posted

@ChicagoLeah @broox saw both y’all’s doppelgängers within 2 blocks in my neighborhood

tolar posted

I would sure like to find out.

broox posted

@tolar @broox Oh, it was us. You should have said hello!
@ChicagoLeah @broox 😁

tolar posted

@tolar @broox I kid, I kid. It was our great-great grandchildren who are time travelers.
@broox @iandees do it. No question. Paris. Scotland. Venice. Prague. Budapest

tolar posted

@tolar @ChicagoLeah we were lookin for malort

broox posted

@ChicagoLeah @broox oooohhh shit

tolar posted

@broox @ChicagoLeah hahhahahaha fuck

tolar posted

@tolar @broox basically, your life would be easier in Chicago. XOXO
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