What do you think people spent all their money on before electronics?
Probably clothing the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick. Haha lol jk probably something else stupid
@broox @harper monocles and time-pieces
@broox @harper food
@broox @jden415 FOOOOODD
@broox @harper trick question. "People" didn't have money before electronics, only the elite did.
alternative distraction tools
I wanna know what those tools were so I can buy em.
toys. drugs. books. alcohol. porn. anything that stimulated serotonin, dopamine and endorphin production. Its just chemical addiction to distraction. Here's a test....every time you pick up or look at your phone, write one check on a piece of paper and add them up at the end of the day. Freakin amazing number. Then tell me you aren't as addicted as I used to be with two packs a day smoking.
I have chosen video games as the lowest-cost, least-liver-destroying, highest-RoI form of distraction for now.
Retirement RT @broox: What do you think people spent all their money on before electronics?
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